
venerdì 19 febbraio 2021

Zombie Mod?

I'm really tweaking and improving lots of things. I revised the face textures using real photos as a basis. I changed them considerably by adding detail and it seems to me that I have achieved a good result.
I increased the detail and contrast because the textures in the game are a little flattened (also for camouflage and equipment).
I am also doing some practice with shaders and I started to understand and manipulate them better also because I am using the Q3ase shader editor program.
I made some additional environment textures specific for metallic reflections to improve the effect of the specular maps but I'm not sure can notice the differences.
I am undecided whether to use the specular maps in the shaders for the weapons models in 3rd pov because I am not sure they are visible.
These days I did some experiments to see if it was possible to do a zombie-mod without touching the code. It would be a very fun option in my opinion also to change a little ...
A simplified version with for example the red (axis) team with the look of Zombie but armed is probably feasible without code changes.
For a "pure" version with zombies without weapons and with custom animations I think it can be done but need some touch at least to the ET / ETL code.
The idea would be to use bots only for team axis as zombies with no weapon supplied (if possible) or even with only the knife (the knife mesh for the axis team would then be replaceable with a null object).
At the moment, however, using only the .gear file does not seem possible.
In any case, a "knife only" function should also be enabled but only for the axis team.
Customizing the animations with walk & run & zombie attack would not be a problem but an additional "team" condition should still be added in the human_base.script animation file (in addition to those already present "state description", "movement type", "condition type" and "condition value") or have two separate files (something as human_axis_base.script and human_allies_base.script).
A new "team" condition would also be very interesting to customize the animations based on the team they belong to. Maybe it would also decrease the teamkills since you would have an extra detail to recognize the opponents.

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