
domenica 14 agosto 2011

Although I have not posted in the last months I learned a lot and I made my first map ever.
I needed to have my playground, and so I decided to freeze all my creation and make a map for learn and test my models and materials.
It had to be a small and simple environment, but I found that really fun make maps and so i also try to make it playable. Since the beginning of January I renounced to make maps and imports with other modeling programs and I started to learn gtkradiant.
I decided to use gtkradiant 1.5 in a way that is compatible with Enemy Territory and True Combat Elite. When i finish i move the map into doom3/xreal changing of course everything need including the shaders.

I start to learn the basics of (which I'm finding to be valid in UDK also) :
- the terrains creation (alphablend)
- the optimization (details/structurals/hit brush, area portal, caulk, ...)
- the generation and the problems related to the lightmap (use of caulk, light leak, lightmapscale, ...)
- q3map2 switches
- scripting

I also tasted terragen2 free edition software and I made the skybox with it.

The Map is very raw and still requires much work before it's over. I have to heavy work even on textures/shaders that are too cleans and also on the geometry by adding damage and other details.

I enjoyed doing a script to handle some popup targets activated by players proximity and deactivated when hit (bulletsensor tutorial here ->
Everything works perfectly in Enemy Territory but unfortunately there seems to be some trouble in True Combat Elite. Only in TCE seem that it is not possible damage the script_mover with bullets. The health decrease only with melee and grenates.

I also tried to do an intermediate stage when destroy the glass (glass -> glass shattered -> glass debris).

The MapObjects are all made by me and are all works in progress.

I got bored of the license terms of the textures coming from other parts (for example CGtexture, Flickr, Google, ..) and I decided to make a set from scratch. All textures are derived from original photographs taken by me. Around eighty seamless texture with size 2048x2048 (currently only diffuse).

here some screenshot

venerdì 5 agosto 2011

Code 43 had some troubles and much time has passed since the last update.
The commitments of many developers are grown and their contribution to the project has been reduced or stopped altogether.
I think that at the moment it’s not possible to fix a reliable release date. The primary goal for me is learning and having fun working on code 43. We should just enjoy the journey without thinking about its conclusion.
Time is precious and we should not waste it. Do what we like is the best way to spend it.
Stay Tuned.

P.S. today I read my first UDK tutorial